Sail ~ 8/10, very crisp, has been stored rolled indoors for the last ~9 months. Class legal with the red button, has been hardly used.
Mast Section ~ 7/10, also stored indoors and largely scratch-free, usual wear and tear, also class legal with red sticker.
This would be ideal for children moving out of Toppers (or those already in Laser 4.7 who’d like a fresh sail), particularly those planning on sailing in events outside of Maidenhead where the one-design rules might be enforced.
I’d prefer to sell both together if possible. £250 for both, if any further questions please text me on 07849926461. Let me know if you’d like to see the mast section and sail, I’ve got exams over the next fortnight but an open calendar after that so I’m sure we could organise that.
Cheers, Ben Osborne.