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British Moth / Topper Open 7th May 2022

British Moth and Topper Open Meeting

Saturday 7th May


  1. Rules

This regatta will be governed by the:

  • Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS), except rule 1.2 is replaced by: Adequate personal flotation devices shall be worn by all crew members whilst afloat and on access piers or pontoons.

  • RRS RYA Racing Charter.

  • RRS RYA Prescriptions.

  • RSS RYA Risk Statement in Addendum A of Appendix J.

  • Maidenhead Sailing Club (MSC) Open Meeting Sailing Instructions, will be available

  • Class Rules.

  • Bye-laws of MSC

The regatta is open to boats of the British Moth and Topper class. Boats may be asked to produce:

  • A valid measurement certificate

  • A current buoyancy endorsement

  1. Entry and Fees

Boats may enter by completing registration. The fee is £20.00 per boat; £5:00 per Topper who is a guest of a British Moth sailor or MSC member. This does not include boat hire

Pre Entry for the event can be made via the club website at: A complimentary lunch is included in the entry fee for each boat, please order before going afloat. Additional lunches are available for spectators etc. @ £5.00 each.

  1. Schedule

Registration 9:30 onwards

Briefing 10:30

Race 1 11:00

Lunch 12:15 approx

Race 2 13:15 approx

Race 3 ASAP after conclusion of race 2 (Back to Back)

Tea & Cake 16:00 approx

Prize Giving ASAP after conclusion of racing

The Race Officer may adjust this on the day.

The starts will be staggered on a 5,4,1, go sequence with the British Moth’s starting first

  1. Venue The regatta will be held at Maidenhead Sailing Club at, address below. There is a chart of the lake showing the approximate positions of marks in the Open Meeting Sailing Instructions.

  2. Scoring

One race is required to be completed to constitute a series.

When fewer than 3 races have been completed, a boat’s series score will be the total of her race scores. When 3 races have been completed, a boat’s series score will be the total of her race scores excluding her worst score.

  1. Prizes

Prizes will be awarded per class as follows:


• 1st Place

• 2nd Place

• 3rd Place

  1. Insurance Each participating boat shall be insured with valid third-party liability insurance with a minimum cover of £3,000,000 per event or the equivalent.

  1. Novice Topper sailors may have coaching / assistance at this event to encourage them in competing

Further Information

For further information please contact: Simon Hall, Menagerie Fleet Captain


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