I'm sure all MSC Members will agree that the two accolades Stuart McAdam recently received at the RYA, were very well deserved.
The awards were presented to Stuart by Princess Anne for his ‘tireless’ efforts contributing to the sport and community. He was awarded the Outstanding Commitment Award and an Outstanding Contribution Award.
As is evidenced continuously at MSC, and as outlined in the award ceremony and article in the Maidenhead Advertiser, "Stuart ‘works tirelessly’ with the youth and junior section and has coached many youngsters. As a result, some now participate at squad level or are involved in club racing.
He has been ‘instrumental’ in helping the club develop ‘a clear vision’. He also finds the time to maintain the club’s 16 boats."
Huge congratulations Stuart, the club is very lucky to have you and from all at MSC a sincere thank you - we truly appreciate all that you do. It's brilliant to see you recognised 👏👏👏👏👏.