Our annual Night Sail is taking place this Thursday. The forecast is for fairly light winds and a pleasant 17 degs C, but overcast. This year the lunar cycle means that there will be next to no moon so it should be fairly dark for racing.
We will need a race crew to assist and the intent is to run the race at around 8.15pm/8.30pm and for about 20-30 mins.
The course will be marked by lights on the buoys and the usual course is a large circle around the large island just in front of the club.

Boats can be kitted out with fairy lights and the like but port (red)/starboard(green) glow sticks are available to purchase as the nominal entry fee. But please feel free to bring your own red/green lights should you have them!
Aim to have your boats ready to race well ahead of the start as it is so much easier to do this when it’s light.
The bar will be stocked and open throughout the evening as usual on a Thursday night, and we have a range of authentic German Sausages with sides & salads, soup & cake available from MSC food. Its a great night to watch from the bar or veranda if you don't want to venture out on ghe water.

To enter : https://www.sailevent.net/enter/MAIDENHEAD
To book food: https://www.picktime.com/MSC
Lastly if you are coming to watch and it’s around the time of the race please do turn off your main lights when coming into the car park as our sailors really do rely on their night vision!