The Club needs your help at our Open Day Event on Monday 1st May
Our Open Day Job Sheet is now in the Clubhouse and we would really appreciate it if you can sign up to one of the jobs on the list.
Alternatively, email with the type of job you would like to do and the approximate timing and I can allocate you a job, confirming it with you afterwards by email.
An example of the type of jobs that we need help with are:
setting up between 10.30am – 11.45am
sailors to take visitors out on the water in double handed club boats
volunteers for the kitchen area
safety boat drivers and crew
shore based help - handing out life jackets, manning the pontoons, booking people in for their taster sail
car parking
dismantling 4pm onwards
Please do not assume others will volunteer...
We are hoping for our Youth and Junior members to put on a sailing show for the public during the day, organised by Gail.
As usual, we will be selling cakes on the day so if anyone can bring a cake for the kitchen (either bought or home made) we would be greatly appreciative.
All cakes can be dropped off during the morning of the Open Day or over the weekend. The club will be open over the weekend for our normal Sunday racing, as well as Saturday for our first Social Saturday event of this year. We will be repeating the junior best cake competition which will be judged by the Commodore at 11:30am in the wet bar. The cakes will then be sold from the kitchen during the day.
The Open Day Team
( Julie, Sarah , Kevin, Michelle, Clare, Sacha, Belle )